PARENT'S Letters:
2021 'Manna’s Martial Arts Operations During the Pandemic' - Alex Szeto
2021 A family perspective - " I can't imagine" - John
A family perspective - "I couldn't be happier"
2014 Daycare Thank You - Parent's
2012 H Badkoobehi and R Khoshini - Parent's
2007 Bob and Judy Chambers - Parent's
1993 Dr. and Mrs. Louis Maletz - Parent's
2014 Julie Peden Kickboxing (to better health)
2014 Larry P. Kickboxing (better fitness and health)
STUDENT’S Letters:
CDT - Viginia "Jini" Simpson Testimonial
Matthew Burkhalter Testimonial
1992 Darrow Family Testimonial
SCHOOL’S Letters:
2007 Shoal Creek Elementary School Letter
1994 PUSD Westwood Elementary Testimonial
1992 Family Karate Testimonial
1990 Appointment letter of Regionhead for the State Of CA
1978 Hospital Thank You Letter